Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Five Years

It's not that I forgot, it's just that I didn't post it earlier.

Five years ago this past Sunday (5/24/09), Brooke Wilberger went missing. Her body has still not been found. We love and miss her dearly. She will never be forgotten. I can't believe it's already been five years. Brooke, you are amazing! Thank you for all you taught me in the short, but precious time we spent together.

(I have yet to get my 2009 Brooke shoes. I will show them off when I get them though.)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Birthday Catch Up!

I feel like I'm playing some sort of blog catch up game. Next up, the weekend with the fam! But for now, happy belated birthday to my sweet nephew, Hunter! Hunter turned 3 on Monday. I can't believe he's getting so big. He's not a baby anymore! He really is a little boy. I still remember the first time I held him at the hospital. He was the one who made me Auntie Whitney. I love being Auntie Whitney.
Hunter is such a sweet little guy. He's always willing to help. He provides for some good entertainment. And he talks to me on the phone! I love him so much and love having him as my nephew.
I haven't seen him with his new baby sister, but I know that he's a fantastic older brother and a great helper around the house. I sure miss this little guy! And I'm so thankful that my brother and sister-in-law continue to show him pictures of me and Lish so he always remembers who his Auntie Whitney and Uncle Lish are. Thanks guys!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Two to Us! (A Picture Story)

Two years ago today, Lish and I went here
to do this.
We were surrounded by lots of family and friends.
Had a lot of pictures taken.
Ate a little sliver of this.
And it was lovely. Two years have come and gone and we have made some fabulous memories. I love you Lish and I'm truly grateful to have you by my side on this journey throughout eternity!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Belated Mother's Day

Happy belated Mother's Day Mom! I am going to be writing you a birthday shout out in a couple months here, so I won't expand too much on why you're the coolest mom ever!

You've always been there for me, through the rough spots and the smooth ones. You've always been someone I can count on. You're so insightful and inspiring to me. You're an amazing example. And I love you. Very very much!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Now Starring in a Documentary

Last week I got a call from one of my old co-workers and friend, Kirk. He called me at work though, rather than on my cell. It was fine, but I was confused. He asked what my major was, so I reminded him, thinking all the time of why he didn't just text me. Then he told me that he needed to find an "exercise science specialist." Enter me. He couldn't get a hold of the first person he thought of (still trying to forgive you for that one Kirk), and it was last minute so he was stressing out. He needed to find someone for some junior high school kids to interview for a documentary they are making. I told him if he could email me the questions I would be asked, I could probably help. (I was a little nervous about how qualified I would be.) Turns out the questions were a cinch. Nothing to worry about.

The interview took place this morning. The kids from the junior high couldn't make it because they were in a meeting with the governor or something (how cool is that?), so Kirk asked me the interview questions. I think it went okay. I had thought of some things I would have really liked to say and of course forgot most of them. It's like the camera just sucks all those memories away. Oh well. It's done. Kirk is the one editing the film, so I hope I gave them some good stuff. It's a documentary on exercise, fitness, and nutrition. I was happy to help with it. Honored, even, that someone would think of me and then make me some chocolate bread because of the short notice. I'm not sure if they're doing the film just for their school or what, but it premieres on May 18th. I'm gonna go watch myself on the big screen!

On a completely other note, Lish is completely done with his semester from Hell. He had just finished entering in all his grades from the class he taught when I walked in the door last night. He is relieved and happy to start working on his dissertation (after a few days break). I'm just happy he survived! He's amazing!