Thursday, March 8, 2012

Funny Pictures

I came across these photos. I had forgotten we took them a few months ago and I just laughed as I was going through them. Being a dork is the best way to live!

PS. For those who want to be kept up with Yale's health news, he was taking his medicine for his ear infection. He woke up yesterday morning, we gave it to him again, and then as I was changing him I noticed red splotches all over his chest, belly and back. Yes, he had broken out into a rash. So we went to the doctor again, and yes, he is allergic. We now have to be cautious with anything that has penicillin in it. I don't know if allergies are genetic or not, but if they are, he had no chance against that one. Lish and I are both allergic. Now the only medicine he's taking is some Benadryl to help his rash go away. The doctor did say, however, that his ear looks much better. Thank goodness. He only took a day and a half's worth of a 10 day allotment.

PPS. I found some running partners. I'm so excited. I'm going out with them on Saturday. Yay!

1 comment:

Doug Griffith said...

Some pictures are best not shared.