Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Smoothie Deliciousness

It's getting warmer. You know what that means? Smoothie season. Yes, smoothies have their own season. Though some would argue it's smoothie season all year-round. It is not. Sometimes it's hot chocolate season. Anyway, smoothies. Yum. Lish and I have been putting spinach in our smoothies lately. Before you say gross, let me tell you, they are super tasty! You can't even taste the spinach, but because you put those nutritious leafy greens in there, you feel like you are eating the most delicious and healthy snack for you. Probably because you are. Here is my favorite smoothie recipe right now:

1/2 cup nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt
1 cup frozen mixed berries
1 banana
1/2 cup fresh strawberries
1-1 1/2 cup spinach
small amount of skim milk

Yum! Love. Try it. Right now.

PS. Having a sick child is very tiresome. I can't imagine taking care of more than one sick child at a time. Go moms. And dads, of course. Yale has an ear infection. We got some meds today so hopefully he gets feeling better asap.


Kaylene said...

I just got a blender last weekend and can hardly wait for smoothies. I will be all over this :)

Doug Griffith said...

Ah, fever, ear infection, makes sense now. He will feel markedly better in a couple of days but finish out the full dose of antibiotic. You don't want it coming back.

Anonymous said...

Now if you can just put some tomatoes and mushrooms in smoothies, Lish will really be ALL GROWN UP!
Goody Team